πŸ”“Bot Security

Industry Standard Security

We use industry standard security methods to ensure your private keys are safe. We use tried and tested industry standard algorithms to protect your data.

We use salted SHA256 to store your password alongside salted AES to store your private key, this makes it so nobody (not even the developers) could get your password or private key even if we wanted to.

We use 12+ character salts so in the almost impossible scenario of someone gaining access to our database's rainbow tables and things of the sort would not be useful.

Due to us storing all data in an isolated server with strong security methods (that we will not divulge) it is as close to impossible to breach as it can possibly be.

How a Transaction is Signed

To send a transaction on eth the private key is needed to sign it.

function call β€”> encode β€”> sign β€”> broadcast

Without a private key or a mnemonic a transaction can’t be sent, so the most trustless way we could think of doing it is encrypting/hashing, you input your password, we calculate the hash, check it against your stored hash, if it matches then use it to decrypt the private key and then send the transaction.

Last updated

2023, None